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Poker Stars
Book Picture
Poker Stars has reopened for most of the world, but not yet in the United States. It is endorsed by professionals like Daniel Negreanu and Chris Moneymaker. The site offers Texas Hold'em, Omaha, Omaha 8/b, 7 Card Stud, 7 Card Stud 8/b, Crazy Pineapple, Crazy Pineapple 8/b, Triple Draw, Royal Hold'em. Table limits range from penny games up to $300-600. The competition leans to the more challenging end of the spectrum.
Play Now at PokerStars!
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Texas Hold'em Strategy

To win Texas Hold'em poker you need to have a strong set of skills and a bit of luck.  You need to know the strategy basics of opening hands, seat position, pot odds, and betting. Advanced techniques include reading tells, how to handle a showdown, and short stack play. If you play and practice you'll get better and you'll learn a lot about yourself.  Here at ReadyBetGo, our experts will guide you on your journey to becoming a better Texas Hold'em player.

Playing Too Many Starting Poker Hands
by Matthew Hilger
Matthew Hilger outlines some of the biggest mistakes players make when playing online poker. He starts with the a very common error - playing too many hands.
Miscalculating Odds with Two Cards to Come
by Matthew Hilger
Matthew Hilger receives a lot of questions and posts in his poker Forum about how to make decisions on the flop when you are on a draw. A lot of poker players make decisions based on the probability of improving their poker hand odds with two cards to come. This article is going to show why this often can lead to mistakes.
Strategy for Playing Aggressive Poker
by Bob Ciaffone
Let us be clear that one can play tight in terms of initial involvement and still be an aggressive poker player. It is not how many pots you enter, but how you play once you are in, that determines if you are playing the kind of aggressive poker that is necessary.
Strategy to No-Limit Hold'em Drawing Hands
by Bob Ciaffone
In this article, one of our favorite poker writers gives us his tips for handling a draw in no-limit hold'em.
A Strategy Question to Improve Your Poker Game
by David Apostolico
If you are playing a tournament and you only win those pots when you have the best hand, you are not going to advance very far. Furthermore, if you find yourself frequently calling with the best hand, you are not extracting maximum value for your strong hands.
The Loose Aggressive Strategy to Texas Hold'em Poker
by Alex McCay
People approach no-limit Texas hold’em with different strategies, and the best players often combine a mix of styles and strategies to win. For years, the tight aggressive approach was touted as the best strategy, but in the Internet age, a loose aggressive style has gained in popularity.
A Beginner's Guide to Choosing a Texas Hold'em Table
by Michael Greenberg
If you want to succeed at Texas Hold'em, your first few games at any table should be spent assessing the different players. You can get a feel for the table by watching a few games play out, or playing tight the first few games.
The 'Kill Phil' strategy, and the chipless all-in move
by Bob Ciaffone
What is the 'Kill Phil' strategy? Though it may be based on techniques for beating the likes Phil Hellmuth, is it worth considering if you are an inexperienced or seasoned poker player? Bob Ciaffone weighs in on the strategy.
The Power of Aggression
by David Apostolico
According to David Apostolico, you can't underestimate the power of aggressive play late in a poker tournament. This article gives you a real life example of how to use this poker strategy.
Moving from Tournaments to Cash Games in Texas Hold'em
by Alex McCay
In times past, no poker player got his start playing tournaments. Before the days of the Texas Hold'em online, the only poker tournament anyone really new about was the World Series of Poker and only a handful of players participated in that. Those interested in poker played cash games, be it draw, stud or hold'em, usually for fixed stakes
Playing in a Short Handed Texas Hold'em Game
by Bill Burton
There are many times when you are playing Texas Hold’em where you will find yourself at a table that is not full. The following article gives you the best strategy to use in those circumnstances.
When to Play Single Aces in Poker
by Bill Burton
The biggest mistake that many losing Hold ‘em players make is to play any two suited cards from any position which I refer to was ASAP. The second biggest mistake is playing a Single Ace from any Position.
Popped on the Turn
by Bob Ciaffone
Getting raised on the turn is uncomfortable when all you have is one pair, even though that may be in the form of top pair or an overpair. The opponent "says" you are beat. If he speaks the truth, your outs are likely to be in the zero to five range. But poker is poker, and we do not fold every time the opponent represents a better hand than ours, especially in limit poker, where we are receiving pot odds.
Early Stages of a Sit-and-Go Tournament
by Michael Greenberg
A sit-and-go is sort of like a poker tournament in miniature and like traditional Texas Hold'em tournaments there are different stages to the game that require different strategies.
Running Big Bluffs in No-Limit Texas Hold'em
by Michael Greenberg
Try and learn how to bluff by doing an Internet search, and it is a fast-track to an instant headache. Read this article, and you'll have a better idea of when to pull out this big gun.
No Limit Texas Hold'em Strategy for Beginners
by Michael Greenberg
Mike Greenberg is a new poker contributor to ReadyBetGo. In this article he outlines some of the basic things you should learn before you play Texas Hold'em poker.
Position in Poker
by Bill Burton
There is an adage that says, The Key to success in Business is Location, Location, Location'. Well to paraphrase that saying ‚'The key to success in Texas Hold'em is Position, Position, Position.' Yet the majority of the newer players and some of the older ones either have no idea about the importance of position or they simply choose to ignore it.
Common Texas Hold'em Mistakes
by Bill Burton
Mistakes in Texas Hold'em are costly when you are the one making them. Mistakes are profitable when your opponents make them. You will make more money from your opponent's mistake that you will from your fancy play. Conversely, your mistakes will cost you more money when you make them. Your goal should be to avoid mistakes on your part and capitalize on the mistakes of the other players.
A Lesson in Expected Value from Deal or No Deal
by David Apostolico
While expected value (EV) should be a critical component of any poker player's analysis, David Apostilico argues that it should not be the sole criteria -- especially in tournament poker.
Keeping Something in Reserve
by Bob Ciaffone
According to Bob Ciaffone, a call, when in position, can be a powerful weapon in a savvy poker player's arsenal. In this article he shows the times and places when to use this move.
The Importance of Pot Odds in Texas Hold'em
by Bill Burton
Many players don't understand that Poker like other casino games is a game of about math. Understanding the math of the game is very important to playing winning poker. You can have the identical hand and one time it will be correct to call and the next time it will be correct to fold. How can that be? The answer is the pot odds.
The Best Laid Plans
by David Apostolico
In a great case study from his new book, Lessons from the Pro Poker Tour, David Apostolico shows the danger of planning ahead and missing a better opportunity to collect chips from your opponents.
Understanding All-In Odds
by Bob Ciaffone
Poker players need to be acquainted with math. Most of the time, they are concerned with the odds on making whatever hand they are drawing to, making sure the pot odds and/or implied odds are sufficient to stay in. But there are other odds that also are relevant to poker situations. Bob Ciaffone takes a look at pre-flop odds in this article.
Reading Betting Patterns When Playing No-Limit Hold'em
by Bob Ciaffone
One of Bob Ciaffone's no-limit hold'em students recently asked him the following question: What betting patterns do you look for when trying to read opponents? Here's the intriguing answer.
Know Your Chip Leader
by David Apostolico
In a no limit tournament, there can be wild fluctuations in chip stacks. Luck, skill and circumstance can all play a role in propelling someone to a chip lead. Facing a player with a huge stack can be a daunting task. Not knowing how he got there can make that task more challenging.
The One Card Draw in Hold'em Poker
by Bob Ciaffone
From the title of this article, you would think Bob Ciaffone was talking about taking one card in lowball, or possibly draw high. But, in fact, there is also a 'one-card draw' in hold'em. He is referring to the situation in which there are three parts to a straight on the board and you have a card that fits in with them.
Five Major Leaks in a Poker Player's Ship
by Bob Ciaffone
A poker player is a captain who pilots his own ship. He hopes to proceed without incident to his destination, but sometimes things go wrong. If the ship springs a leak, he has cause to worry. It may be just a nuisance, or it may capsize the vessel. For sure, any captain who does not plug a leak after finding out about it is simply a fool.
Playing at Limits Too High in Relation to Your Bankroll
by Matthew Hilger
Matt Hilger continues his series on the most blatant online poker mistakes. This time the lesson to learn is how to avoid playing above your bankroll.
Playing Suited Cards in Texas Holdem
by Bill Burton
The biggest mistake that I see players make in Texas Hold'em is playing two suited cards from any position. These novice players are placing too much value on the cards just because they are the same suit.
Don't Always Bet the River Even if You Think You are Ahead
by Matthew Hilger
A common mistake made by many players is betting or raising the river whenever they think they have the best hand. Here's why you shouldn't make that mistake.
No-Limit Hold'em Turn Betting
by Bob Ciaffone
Turn betting is an extremely important part of no-limit Texas hold'em betting strategy. Bob Ciaffone believes the turn is the phase of a hand that most clearly separates the top-level players from the merely passable ones. Let's see why.
All-In Hold'em Odds With Slick
by Bob Ciaffone
If the advantage of the hold'em hand A-K 'big slick' is that few hands put it in trouble, the disadvantage is that the only hands it is a really big favorite against are those with an ace or a king in them (the dominated hands).
Calling Raises Too Often on the Turn
by Matthew Hilger
The Top 10 Mistakes of Online Players series continues. This time Matthew Hilger discusses the problem of calling raises too often on the turn.
Drawing to Outs That Won't Help You
by Matthew Hilger
This is the second article in a series called Top 10 Mistakes of Online Players. The mistakes are not given in any particular order. Most of the mistakes apply to live play also although two or three of them are most applicable to online play. Last time we discussed Playing Too Many Starting Hands which leads us now into mistake #2.
Catastrophe Psychology in No-Limit Hold'em
by Bob Ciaffone
There are many poker situations in which players tend to discount the unusual but very harmful outcome of a hand. You can avoid catastrophe in no-limit hold'em by utilizing a proper betting strategy.
Some No-Limit Hold'em Tournament Hands
by Bob Ciaffone
Bob closely examines some tournament poker hands he's played and explains why he veered away from his more straight-forward style.
The Super Bowl and Short Stack Strategy
by David Apostolico
The Super Bowl and Short Stack Strategy
To use an analogy, in the last drive of the Super Bowl game the Seahawks were short stacked in the later stages of a no limit hold'em tournament. To get back in it, they needed some luck and to remain calm.
Heads Up Strategy in Texas Hold'em
by Bill Burton
Playing Texas Hold'em heads up against a single opponent requires a completely different strategy than playing at a full table. Here are some things to remember when you get in this position in a Texas Hold'em tournament.
Playing AK
by David Apostolico
Playing AK
You're dealt an Ace-King, unsuited. What's your next move? David Apostolico looks at a few scenarios for this opening hand.
Seven No-Limit Hold'em Sins - Common and costly mistakes made by new no-limit hold'em players
by Bob Ciaffone
Bob Ciaffone has seen his share of poker mistakes over his coaching career. Here are the ones that seem to keep cropping up and what you can do to avoid them.
A Hold'em Quiz
by Bob Ciaffone
Do you think your hold'em game is in good shape? Take a short quiz to see if your poker strategy is on the money.
World Championship 2005
by Bob Ciaffone
Bob Ciaffone, 'the Coach' makes a return appearance in the World Series of Poker championship event after more than a decade. Find out what how he did and what he saw.
Robert's Rules of Poker - Hold'em Poker, Including Irregularities
by Bob Ciaffone
Hold'em rules are pretty simple and widely known. What happens when the unexpected happens, however, is where learning hold'em poker irregularities could help save a friendship...

In the News...

UltimateBet releases new 7 Deuce Hold'em online poker
UltimateBet releases new 7 Deuce Hold'em online poker
Thursday, August 06, 2009

Yesterday, online poker players switched on to the leading poker rooms to discover the revamped online version of Texas Hold'em, known as 7 Deuce Hold'em, that guarantees all the action, more bluffs and side pots that players of the terrestrial 7-2 prop bet have come to expect - and they weren't disappointed.
Wynn Las Vegas Changes Daily Hold'em Tournament Schedule
Wynn Las Vegas
Monday, June 29, 2009

Wynn Las Vegas has recently made changes to their No Limit Hold 'em tournaments. Check out the latest No Limit Hold 'em tournament schedules here.
Arizona Allowing Poker Parlor Expansion
Arizona Allowing Poker Parlor Expansion
Monday, April 06, 2009

Amid confusion about the legal status of a game that has emerged as one of America's favored pastimes, Arizona's Poker Parlors are expanding rapidly.
Binion's Gambling Hall & Hotel Presents Third Annual Poker Classic
Binion's poker room
Monday, March 30, 2009

The advent of Summer brings more poker to Las Vegas than any other time of year. Binion's Gambling Hall & Hotel, with an unmatched poker lineage in both years and reputation, will usher in the season with the 3rd Annual Binion's Poker Classic.
Statistical Analysis of Texas Hold 'Em Concludes Poker a Game of Skill
Statistical Analysis of Texas Hold 'Em Concludes Poker a Game of Skill
Friday, March 27, 2009

The Poker Players Alliance (PPA), the leading poker grassroots advocacy group with more than one million members nationwide, today lauded the "Statistical Analysis of Texas Hold 'Em" study released this morning, which provides raw data showing the outcomes of games are predominantly determined by the players' decisions, not just chance.
UltimateBet Player Wins Wrestlemania Promotion Package
UltimateBet Player Wins Wrestlemania Promotion Package
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Leading online poker site today announced the winner of its popular Win Your Way to WrestleMania 25 Free Online Poker Tournament.
Champion Crowned at WSOP San Diego Circuit Event
Champion Crowned at WSOP San Diego Circuit Event
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

In the final stages of the latest World Series of Poker Circuit tournament held at the Harrah's Rincon Casino and Resort, Bob Yamaguchi was playing heads-up against Jacob Amburgey and able to take home the victory.
World Series of Poker Circuit 'Mystery Man' Wins Event
The World Series of Poker is the biggest poker event of the year.
Monday, March 23, 2009

Torrential mountain rains could not dampen the enthusiasm of hundreds of poker players who flooded into the Harrah's Rincon Casino and Resort for a full weekend of heavy poker action. The winner was a mystery man known only as Albert.
Five Star World Poker Classic and World Poker Tour World Championship Returns to Bellagio in April
Five Star World Poker Classic and World Poker Tour World Championship Returns to Bellagio in April
Monday, March 16, 2009

The Five Star World Poker Classic tournament returns to Bellagio Wednesday, April 1 with the first of 13 No Limit Hold-em tournaments. The WPT World Championship begins Saturday, April 18 and Sunday, April 19 at noon with two separate flights. The event continues Monday, April 20 with all competitors who have retained chips from their original allocation and concludes with the televised final table Saturday, April 25.
Bad Beat Jackpot Hit at Absolute Poker
Bad Beat Jackpot Hit at Absolute Poker
Monday, March 09, 2009

An online poker player from Houston, Texas has secured a brighter future for his growing family after hitting the Bad Beat Jackpot at Absolute Poker. Z8ELDRED popped Absolute Poker's $212,546.02 on March 2nd. For his loss, the Texas Hold'em fan walked away with $69,207.23.
Full Tilt Poker Opens Poker Academy
Full Tilt Poker continues to grow in influence in the poker world.
Friday, March 06, 2009

The best poker players in the world play at Full Tilt Poker. With the launch of Full Tilt Poker Academy, they now teach there too.
Freddy Deeb Wins World Poker Tour Celebrity Tournament
Freddy Deeb, winner of the 2009 WPT celebrity event
Thursday, March 05, 2009

A record-setting 433 celebrities, VIPs and poker superstars went toe to toe last weekend in the 7th Annual World Poker Tour® Invitational poker tournament at Commerce Casino to benefit charity partner, The Vine Group USA (TVG). In the end, professional player Freddy Deeb bested actor Nicholas Gonzales at the final table to win the event, then donated $34,000 from his first place prize to the charity, bringing the total funds raised for the non-profit organization to more than $112,000. Looking for Next Poker Pro to Sponsor Looking for Next Poker Pro to Sponsor
Wednesday, March 04, 2009 today launches its Be Our Sponsored Pro competition which will see nine online qualifiers battle it out in a live tournament on March 28, 2009 to win a sponsorship package comprising paid entry and expenses for the Irish Open 2009, the Grosvenor UK Poker Tour Manchester main event, and the World Series of Poker $1,500 no-limit hold'em event.
AbsolutePoker Promotion Sends 12 Lucky Players to Playboy Mansion
Kandyland Party at the Playboy Mansion
Thursday, February 26, 2009 is gearing up to make every man's sweetest fantasies come to life for 12 lucky Texas Hold'em players. The leading free-play online poker site today announced that it's giving away six trips for two to the Kandyland Party at the Playboy Mansion, getting underway on June 13, 2009.
Ultimatebet Offers Slamming Wrestlemania Online Poker Promotion
Ultimatebet Offers Slamming Wrestlemania Online Poker Promotion
Thursday, February 26, 2009

A pair of tickets to WWE(r)'s 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania(r) could be just a pocket pair away for one Canadian* Texas Hold'em fan.
PokerStars European Poker Tour Monte Carlo Schedule Released
European Poker Tour
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

PokerStars, the world's largest online poker site, today announced the European Poker Tour Monte Carlo Grand Final Season Five schedule – Europe's largest and richest seven-day poker extravaganza. The PokerStars Monte Carlo EPT Grand Final will run April 27-May 3, offering fourteen separate events making the Grand Final the most exciting poker festival ever held in Europe.
Heads-Up Poker Championship Competition is Heavy
Heads-Up Poker Championship Competition is Heavy
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Get your tournament brackets ready! NBC's 2009 National Heads-Up Poker Championship, the granddaddy of all heads-up poker tournaments, will take place once again at Caesars Palace Las Vegas on March 5-8. Now in its fifth year, this year's event will feature an array of many of the greatest poker players in the world.
Devilfish Wins at His Own Game
Devilfish Wins at His Own Game
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dave "Devilfish" Ulliott's winning streak continued last week when he won the weekly bounty tournament. As a result the €250 bounty wasn't claimed and has added the cash to this week's bounty tournament on Thursday February 19 at 8 p.m.
South Carolina Joins Other States Citing Poker as a Game of Skill
South Carolina Joins Other States Citing Poker as a Game of Skill
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

South Carolina judge made his opinion known that Texas hold'em is a game of skill.
Bad Beat Jackpot Hits Big at Absolute Poker
Bad Beat Jackpot Hits Big at Absolute Poker
Monday, February 16, 2009

Online poker players at Absolute Poker have a whole bunch of reasons to be looking at life with a much rosier outlook today after sharing in $813,341.85 when HDCOWBOY, a 65-year-old resident from Pennsylvania, 'lassoed' the latest Bad Beat Jackpot on the eve of Valentine's Day.
Dream Team Poker Hires New Director of Business Development
Dream Team Poker Hires New Director of Business Development
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dream Team Poker today announced the hiring of Katherine Kowal to be the company's new director of business development, adding another industry veteran to their impressive executive team. Kowal will be charged with further advancing Dream Team Poker's casino presence and enhancing brand recognition among poker players.
Bad Beat Jackpot Reaches $500,000
Bad Beat Jackpot Reaches $500,000
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just in time for Valentine's Day, players at UltimateBet and Absolute Poker are falling "head over heels" for the Bad Beat Jackpot on the CEREUS Poker Network as it swells to over $500,000 as of Tuesday evening.
National Heads-Up Poker Championship Returns to NBC in March
National Heads-Up Poker Championship Returns to NBC in March
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sixty four of the world's top poker players are going "all in" at the 5th annual National Heads-Up Poker Championship on March 6-8 in Las Vegas. Heads-Up brings a who's who of the poker world to the Caesars Palace Poker Tournament Room to compete in its distinctive, bracket-style head-to-head format for $1.5 million in combined prize money.
Bad Beat Jackpot Paying Out Big
Bad Beat Jackpot Paying Out Big
Friday, February 06, 2009

It turns out that in online poker winning really isn't everything. The CEREUS Poker Network, home of leading online poker sites Absolute Poker and UltimateBet, today released payout data on its popular Bad Beat Jackpot offering. Over $32 million was handed out at the two online poker rooms' Bad Beat Jackpot tables since the game was initially launched in 2007.
Over $300K Bad Beat Jackpot Won at Four Winds Casino Resort
Four Winds Casino
Friday, February 06, 2009

Four Winds Casino Resort, the premier gaming destination in the Midwest, announced today that eight people split a Bad Beat Jackpot worth $304,742 by playing Texas Hold'em on Saturday, January 24, 2009. Additionally, Four Winds Casino Resort will award over $100,000 worth of diamonds to several lucky W Club Members on Valentine's Day, Saturday, February 14.
UltimateBet Poker Academy Promotion Continues Through March 15
UltimateBet Poker Academy Promotion Continues Through March 15
Thursday, February 05, 2009

Leading online poker site UltimateBet today announced that it is continuing its World Series of Poker Academy promotion through the Ultimate Poker Show on Rounders Radio. The poker room is giving away a Las Vegas prize package that includes a seat at March 14th's World Series of Poker Academy and $1,000 for travel and accommodations.
Full Tilt Poker Opens Online Tournament Series Tonight
Full Tilt Poker continues to grow in influence in the poker world.
Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The Full Tilt Online Poker Series (FTOPS) returns on February 4th for its eleventh running. FTOPS XI features 25 pro-hosted events and guarantees more than $15 million in prize money over the course of the series.
Philippines Man Wins APT Event
Neil Arce, winner of the 2009 Asian Poker Tour Philippines
Tuesday, February 03, 2009

25-year-old Neil Arce sent the local crowd wild with delight by taking down the 2009 Asian Poker Tour Philippines at the Dusit Thani Hotel in Manila. Arce conquered a field of 262 runners representing over 40 countries to scoop the first prize of US$185,000.
Doyle's Room Officially Makes The Switch to Cake Network
Doyle's Room Officially Makes The Switch to Cake Network
Tuesday, January 27, 2009 today announced the worldwide launch of their online poker room on the Cake Poker Network.
Online Texas Hold'em - Now with Dealers Live on Webcam
Online Texas Hold'em - Now with Dealers Live on Webcam
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Online poker has changed forever. Medialive Casino Ltd, a live casino operator is launching at the ICE 2009 texas hold’em poker with live dealers and live webcam. This allows players to challenge each other whilst watching their opponents in real time.
Aussie Millions Champ Walks With Cool $2 Million
Aussie Millions Champ Walks With Cool $2 Million
Monday, January 26, 2009

The new king of poker was crowned when Australian Stewart Scott won the No-Limit Texas Holdem 'Main Event' at the 2009 Aussie Millions Poker Championship held at Melbourne's Crown Casino.
2009 World Series of Poker Schedule Released
The World Series of Poker is the biggest poker event of the year.
Monday, January 26, 2009

The 40th annual World Series of Poker® (WSOP®) -- a set of poker tournaments open to anyone 21 years of age or older -- will commence Wednesday, May 27 with the first of 57 gold bracelet events, and the next day a special $40,000 buy-in No Limit Hold'em tournament will commemorate the gaming industry's most illustrious event.
Ultimatebet Announces UBOC Main Event Champion
The UltimateBet Online Championship
Thursday, January 22, 2009

After billing UBOC 2009 as nothing short of massive for months leading up to its online poker championship series, popular online poker site wrapped up its 10-day UBOC schedule in a way that does its initial marketing claim justice.
Pennsylvania Judge Rules Poker is a Game of Skill
Pennsylvania Judge Rules Poker is a Game of Skill
Monday, January 19, 2009

In a ruling handed down by Pennsylvania Judge Thomas A. James Jr. in Columbia County on Friday, it was ruled that Texas Hold'em is a game of skill and therefore not gambling under state law. The ruling sets an 'excellent bar' for future poker litigation, according to Poker Players Alliance (PPA) Executive Director John Pappas.
Asian Poker Tour Premier Team Takes Off For Aussie Millions Tournament
2009 Asian Poker Tour Poker Pack
Monday, January 19, 2009

The Asian Poker Tour (APT) has sent its premier team of players known as The Poker Pack to the world-famous Aussie Millions Poker Championship at Crown Casino, Melbourne.
Carter Walks with a Cool $1Million At WPT Southern Poker Championship
Allen Carter, winner of the 2009 Southern Poker Championship
Monday, January 19, 2009

In what was a grueling eight hour final table, Allen Carter – a player with only two previous cashes in his tournament poker career – outlasted two veterans of the game to become the champion of the World Poker Tour’s Southern Poker Championship at the Beau Rivage Casino in Biloxi, MS.
Day One of the Southern Poker Championship in Biloxi
Day One of the Southern Poker Championship in Biloxi
Thursday, January 15, 2009

On Wednesday, 283 players descended on the Beau Rivage Resort and Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi for Day 1 of the $10,000 buy-in Southern Poker Championship, a stop on the World Poker Tour. At the end of the only starting day in the Deep South, PocketFiver Hevad RaiNKhAN Khan sat with the fourth largest chip stack of 117,275.
Irish Open 2009 Presented by Card Player Media and
Irish Open 2009 Presented by Card Player Media and
Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Card Player Media is proud to announce its official media partnership with for the Irish Open 2009. The partnership, now in its third year, will see and distribute the official Paddy Power Poker Irish Open 2009 live reporting feed of the event to poker fans across Europe and the U.S.
Titan Poker Announces It's Team of Top Skilled Players
Titan Poker Announces It's Team of Top Skilled Players
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

It's been a long road to the top with Titan Poker, but the view from the summit is well worth it for twelve talented players from Canada and Europe.
Vince Neil Brings 'Strip Poker' Tournament to the Hard Rock in Las Vegas
Vince Neil's Strip Poker Tournament at the Hard Rock Casino
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Celebrities and Poker Pros will join Neil for a wildly entertaining No-Limit Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament, benefiting The Skylar Neil Memorial Fund, an organization which has raised millions to support innovative cancer, leukemia, and AIDS research.
Edler Wins 5k Six-Handed Hold'em, Hellmuth Cashes Again
Bill Edler wins over $900,000 playing 5k 6-handed No Limit Hold'em at the 2007 World Series of Poker.
Monday, July 02, 2007

The $5,000 buy-in Six-Handed No-Limit Hold'em championship was won by Bill Edler, from Las Vegas. Other notable cashes in this tournament included Phil Hellmuth (62nd), Men 'the Master' Nguyen (48th), Jamie Gold (2nd) and Toby Maguire (1st).
PGIC WSOP Hold'em Poker Games Approved
World Series of Poker Texas Hold'em game by Progressive Gaming is approved in Nevada.
Monday, December 18, 2006

Progressive Gaming International Corporation has announced it has received regulatory approval in Nevada for exciting new ways to play its World Series of Poker Texas Hold'Em Bonus table game: World Series of Poker Bad Beat Progressive Texas Hold'Em Bonus and World Series of Poker Progressive Texas Hold'Em.
'Texas Holdem Real Deal' Features Live Dealers over the Internet
FSBO Holdings plans launch of live interactive poker.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006

FSBO Media Holdings has acquired Voyage Media LLC and its proprietary interactive 'Texas Holdem' online poker technology. 'Texas Holdem Real Deal' gaming features a real dealer, in a real casino environment dealing real cards.
Texas Hold Em, Poker Tournament Players to Benefit from New ButtonTimer
3zilla's new ButtonTimer promises to help tournament play.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The ButtonTimer has the same look, feel, and size of dealer buttons used in casinos today and has a built-in programmable timer which keeps track of the time and alerts players during tournament play when time has elapsed.
Face-Up Hold'em to be Released by Zone4Play
Face-Up Hold'em to be Released by Zone4Play
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Zone4Play, a leading developer of interactive software and technology for the betting and gaming industry, has announced the launch of a new and unique poker game - Face-Up Hold'em - for multiple e-gaming platforms. The product is based on the popular Texas Hold'em Poker, but with a fixed odds twist.
Poker Scams Revealed in 'Cheating at Hold'em'
Saturday, December 17, 2005

Gambling and especially Texas Hold'em has taken the world by storm. When gambling becomes popular, cheating also escalates but at a faster rate.
'Triple-Flop Hold'Em' Poker Variation Debuts
Monday, November 07, 2005

New 'Triple-Flop Hold'Em' virtually does away with pot splits.

Book Reviews...

'Kill Everyone' Doesn't Match 'Kill Phil' But Comes Close
by Nick Christenson
Kill Everyone is not quite a sequel to the remarkable Kill Phil, but Nick still recommends reading them in chronological order. Kill Everyone is aimed at players with some no-limit hold'em tournament experience. The information in Part 2 is exceptional and well worth the price of the whole book.
Limit Hold'em: Winning Short-Handed Strategies Reviewed
by Nick Christenson
Despite the popularity of short-handed poker games, few books have been devoted to examining its special circumstances. One of the few to do so is Limit Hold'em: Winning Short-Handed Strategies by Terry Boyer and Lawrence Mak.
Harrington on Cash Games: Volumes 1 and 2 Reviewed
by Howard Schwartz
In the past two years, requests for books on cash games have been the strongest ever. Now Dan Harrington’s double package of ammunition for serious players has arrived in on the shelves of Gambler's Book Shop.
Winning Strategies for No-Limit Hold'em Digs Deep
by Howard Schwartz
Russell Fox - has now teamed with Nick Christenson for Winning Strategies for No-Limit Hold'em, focusing on some advanced concepts few books have yet covered in depth.
Caro, Schoonmaker Poker Books Packed With New Ideas
by Howard Schwartz
Getting yourself ready to play serious poker is more than accumulating a bankroll and finding a game—it's learning how to monitor yourself, being able to assess your opponents and going in clear-headed.
No-Limit Texas Hold'em: A Complete Course Reviewed
by Nick Christenson
Angel Largay's No-Limit Texas Hold'em: A Complete Course isn't the book I'd recommend to newcomers to fixed buy-in no-limit hold'em games, but it is certainly worth reading, especially by players with a little experience. This book provides poker advice built around a solid, consistent, winning theme that should improve most players' games.
Hilger's Internet Texas Hold'em Provides Solid Advice
by Nick Christenson
If you are looking for a one-stop shop approach to winning Texas Hold'em online, Matthew Hilgers 'Interent Texas Hold'em' is a solid choice.
Harrington, Miller Potent Combo with Two New No-Limit Poker Books
by Howard Schwartz
Harrington and Robertie, Miller and Sklansky are poker writing teams whose works are eagerly anticipated. The wait is over as both teams have released new Hold'em poker strategy books.
Odds and Stats Help Make Odds and Ends Meet
by Howard Schwartz
Here are two books geared to help you understand Hold'em poker, one from a statistical perspective and the other from a how-to-play view.
Low Limit Texas Hold'em Poker By Abulencia--Good Beginner Book
by Howard Schwartz
A father and son authoring duo give poker players everything they need to know about playing Low Limit Hold'Em, from beginning to advanced tactics.
Low-Limit Hold'em Book Handles No Fold'em Hold'em Strategy
by Nick Christenson
This book is as good an introduction to winning play at low limit Texas Hold'em as I've seen. Even though the book is not without flaws, there are many thousands of players in card clubs all over the world that could save a great deal of money each year by reading this book. In addition, Lee Jones covers enough material in new ways to make this book worth while to more advanced players. Winning Low Limit Hold'em does not replace Hold'em Poker for Advanced Players, but it does serve as a reasonable and accessible introduction to it.
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