World's Greatest Blackjack Book
by Lance Humble
An excellent book for those moving up from beginner status, offers the effective Hi-Opt I betting system, tips on picking the right dealers, which is not only a very good counting system but is also a jumping off point for more advanced counts such as the Hi-Opt II. The book also details ways to detect cheating.

Beating Blackjack
From author Bloch's own words ... 'Get inside my mind and listen to my thought process as I play blackjack with my teammates against the house. From basic strategy and card counting to optimal betting and camouflaged team play; you'll see everything we do. You'll experience our pressure and excitement and avoid getting kicked out of the casino. Most importantly, you'll learn how I make winning decisions at the blackjack table.' DVD approx. 50 minutes.
The Hot ShoeThe most complete documentary about card counting ever made includes discussions with Stanford Wong, Anthony Curtis, Andy Bloch, Tommy Hyland, Edward Thorp, Olaf Vancura, Howard Schwartz, Bill Zender, the late Peter Griffin and more. The film provides behind-the-scenes footage of casino pits, surveillance rooms, members of the MIT card counting team meeting in hotel rooms and then playing in casinos during a busy Super Bowl weekend.
Knock-Out BlackjackThe official site of the authors of the well-regarded book Knock-Out Blackjack has many tools to aid aspiring card counters. Included are a java-based strategy blackjack game, a description of the theory, the 'rookie' version of the K-O system, and numerous downloads, including a demo and full version of Knock-out Blackjack Training Camp.
Professional Blackjack Players - Profiles and Interviews
There is a mystique that comes with being a professional blackjack player. Unlike poker, where it's every man for himself, blackjack pros face the ultimate foe, the house. With its edge and muscle, the house can intimidate the most intrepid advantage gambler. That doesn't stop the professionals from forging on in their quest. Here are profiles and interviews with some of the best blackjack players in the business.
Interview with John Mayby Robert Lux
John May, author of Get the Edge at Blackjack, is interviewed by Robert V. Lux as part of a series of interviews with well-known blackjack experts.
Interview with Lance Humbleby Robert Lux
One of the co-creators of the famous Hi-Opt I and II card counting systems, Lance Humble whose goal was to teach the average person how to win at blackjack. Robert Lux interviewed Humble in 2002.
Interview with Bill Zenderby Robert Lux
Bill Zender, a former casino executive is now a well-known professional blackjack player and card counter. He has just released a new book entitled 'Advantage Play For The Casino Executive.' In this interview from 2002, he speaks with Robert V. Lux about his career in blackjack.
Interview with Stanford Wongby Robert Lux
Stanford Wong is one of blackjack's most recognizable names. He has made a career of writing about card counting beginning with the landmark 'Professional Blackjack.' Robert Lux interviews this giant of the game.
Interview with Bryce Carlsonby Robert Lux
Bryce Carlson is one of blackjack's most respected writers. His book 'Blackjack for Blood' is a must-read for serious players. In this interview with Robert Lux, Carlson reveals how he came to the game and how he developed the Advanced Omega II System.
Meet Stanford Wong - The 'Guru' of Blackjackby Steve Bourie
If you've ever read any stories about the game of blackjack you've probably heard of Stanford Wong. He's the author of numerous books on the subject, as well as the brains behind some computer software programs that can analyze the game inside and out. His most popular book, Professional Blackjack, is used as a bible by many professional players and is one of the best books for anyone who wants to learn how to counts cards.
Interview with Henry Tamburinby Robert Lux
Henry Tamburin, author of Blackjack - Take the Money and Run, is interviewed by Robert V. Lux as part of a series of interviews with well-known blackjack experts.
Interview with Don Schlesingerby Robert Lux
Don Schlesinger, author of Blackjack Attack, is interviewed by Robert V. Lux as part of a series of interviews with well-known blackjack experts.
Interview with Kevin Blackwoodby Robert Lux
Kevin Blackwood, author of Play Blackjack Like the Pros, is interviewed by Robert V. Lux as part of a series of interviews with well-known blackjack experts.
In the News...
CBS Sports Signs 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour'CBS Sports announced today a two-season commitment to broadcast the ULTIMATE BLACKJACK TOUR, a special series of tournaments that gives the 'average Joe' a chance to play alongside the best players in the world such as World Blackjack Champion Ken Einiger, as well as poker champions like Phil Hellmuth, Johnny Chan, and Annie Duke.
Professional Gambler Takes Case to Nevada Supreme CourtJames Grosjean is asking the Nevada Supreme Court to order the Imperial Palace to pay him $150,000 for handcuffing and searching him in February 2001, and he wants permission to sue the state for the involvement of two gaming agents.
Book Reviews...
Mezrich's 'Bringing Down the House' Chronicles MIT Card Counting Team's Exploitsby Nick Christenson
Bringing Down the House covers familiar material, the story of the victories and travails of a successful blackjack team competing against the casinos, but this one is written well enough to make the material seem fresher than I might have expected. This is the story of one of the infamous MIT blackjack teams written for a mass audience, which means that it's probably not as detailed as serious blackjack students, myself included, might like. Still, it' s entertaining, and well worth reading.
Wong's 'Professional Blackjack' Explores High-Low Count in Comprehensive Bookby Nick Christenson
This is Wong's exhaustive description of the High-Low count system. Anyone who has decided to use this system will definitely want this book, but if one is searching for which system to use, I'd recommend reading Wong's Blackjack Secrets to evaluate the High-Low. However, even if one uses another count, this is a very useful book for any card counter, and it belongs on the shelf of every serious blackjack player.