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Hit or Stand

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Hit or Stand is a free online blackjack game and trainer that teaches you blackjack strategy while you play. The goal of the game is to make a high percentage of correct moves, not to earn money. You can also play against other players and try to become the high scorer for the day.
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Related Links Home of the Blackjack Basic Strategy EngineWant to fine tune your blackjack strategy? There's no better place for getting the right chart for the game you're playing than the Blackjack Strategy Engine at You can choose the number of decks, the rules for soft 17, doubling, double after split, surrender, and the hole card rule. Enter all of your parameters, and presto -- your blackjack strategy chart is ready. Highly recommended.Blackjack at Casino-on-NetCasino-on-Net takes a progressive approach to blackjack players by featuring a thorough rule and strategy section on the site. The blackjack help area even has a blackjack basic strategy card.

Blackjack Basic Strategy

Blackjack Basic Strategy Card
Learning basic strategy is the most important step to winning more when playing blackjack. The strategy doesn't involve card counting, but all blackjack professionals have basic strategy down pat and use it every hand. Blackjack basic strategy is a series of rules that you follow when deciding when to fold, hit, stand, double down or split pairs. The rules aren't overwhelming; they can all fit on a blackjack strategy card. To take your game to the next level here at ReadyBetGo!

Basic Blackjack Strategy: A Beginner's Guide to Winning
by ReadyBetGo Editor
Basic Blackjack Strategy: A Beginner's Guide to Winning
Buyers often inquire about the cost when considering a slot machine. Prices can range from under $100 to thousands of dollars. To know in detail, read this article.
Why Blackjack Strategy Guides Works
by ReadyBetGo Editor
Blackjack Basic Strategy Card
A closer look at how strategy guides can be applied to the game of blackjack. Any player looking to win more often should adopt a free strategy guide.
Best online Blackjack playing strategies
by ReadyBetGo Editor
Blackjack Hand
The most popular online casino games are those that not only bring out the best in a players' ability, judgment, and gut instinct but also allow them to ride their luck when need be. For that reason Blackjack is the number one choice of card game for an ever increasing number of internet gamers.
Splitting Aces & Eights in Blackjack
by Henry Tamburin
Always split aces and eights. That is one of the golden rules for blackjack players but not according to a friend of mine. He insists that splitting eights against a dealer upcard of 9, 10, or ace is crazy because you are probably going to lose anyway, so why double your loss by splitting in blackjack?
Learning Blackjack Basic Strategy
by Basil Nestor
Learning basic strategy isn't so hard if you stay away from casinos at first. It might take a few hours or even weeks, but your efforts will pay dividends for a lifetime of blackjack play.
Revisiting the Blackjack Basic Strategy Chart
by John Grochowski
If you're a blackjack player, and have never looked at a basic strategy table, you should. It's a tidy little grid, with possible player hands down the side, and possible dealer face-up cards across the top. Yet, there is an exception to all that orderliness.
Lose More Hands with Blackjack Basic Strategy?
by Frank Scoblete
Basic strategy is geared to maximizing wins and minimizing losses -- of money, not hands. Sometimes utilizing basic strategy will actually lose you more hands! Find out why. . .
How Many Blackjack Players Pay Attention to Basic Strategy?
by John Grochowski
What percentage of blackjack players do you think are counting cards? Half? I just wonder, when I see players splitting 6s against a 10. They can't be counting cards.
Know How to Play the Game (The Basic Strategy)
by Jay Moore
It always surprises Jay Moore, author of the 'Most Powerful Blackjack Manual', that a significant number of people who go to the casino and risk their money have no clue about how to play the game. It's no wonder then that more than 95% of players leave the casino as a loser.
When it Comes to Basic Blackjack, Slow it Down
by Henry Tamburin
It may seem strange, but it's true that blackjack playing conditions that favor a skilled blackjack card counter are not necessarily the best playing conditions for an average basic strategy player. How can this be? In this article, Henry Tamburin explains why.
The Blackjack Dilemma
by Henry Tamburin
As Henry Tamburin explains, seventy percent of your winning hands arise from being dealt Ace-10 and 10-10. To stand on those hands is a simple decision. What about A-8, A-7 and A-6? Let's find out. . .
Standing On 17-21 Is Not Always Blackjack Utopia
by Henry Tamburin
The number of blackjack hands that should give you a safe feeling are surprisingly few. Henry Tamburin explains why standing on 17, 18, or even 19 may be the right thing to do, but won't guarantee you a good payback.
Basic Blackjack Strategy Won't Always Keep You From Losing
by Basil Nestor
A reader who uses basic blackjack strategy is puzzled by the fact that he doesn't always win. What gives? Basil Nestor explains why with even less than a 1% edge, the casino can still take your cash, but warns you to stay on point!
Before You Go! - Blackjack Strategy Essentials
by Basil Nestor
So you're ready to play. Keep these facts in your mind when you hit the tables and you'll have a better experience and win more money.
Henry Tamburin's Blackjack Quiz
by Henry Tamburin
Here's a great refresher quiz if you want to see how well you've remembered the fundamentals of blackjack. If you score less than 60 points (5 points for each question) you should read some more of our strategy articles.
Doubling Down Strategies
by Henry Tamburin
Knowing when and when not to double down is crucial if you want to lower the house edge against you. Blackjack expert Henry Tamburin explains the proper strategy for doubling down.
The Perils of Guessing at Blackjack
by Basil Nestor
Don't let bad streaks shake your confidence and make you abandon basic strategy.
When To Surrender In Blackjack
by Henry Tamburin
Surrender? Sometimes it's better to give up the fight than to lose everything. A playing option in blackjack that is offered by some but not all casinos, to surrender can make economic sense.
Variations of Blackjack Basic Strategy
by Basil Nestor
When the rules are set up in a particular way, it's necessary to vary basic strategy in order to minimize the house edge. Let's look of some of rule variations and the appropriate response in strategy.
ReadyBetGo's Basic Blackjack Strategy
Basic strategy is the foundation for winning more often at blackjack. Players who don't use it make the wrong choices at least 15% of the time.
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