Video slots can be an exciting and profitable alternative to traditional slot machines, especially for those who know the right wagering strategies. This book offers outstanding advice for improving your odds at video slots and explains how to play the most common video slot games. Games covered include 'Wheel of Fortune' and 'Jeopardy.'
You'll learn: Exactly how slot machines work, which machines pay back the most money, and which pay most frequently, which slot beliefs are merely silly myths and which are facts, how to recognize phony (and funny) slot systems that should be avoided, Frank's own strategies for increasing your winning potential How to maximize your returns from slot clubs, and more . . .
Video slots can be an exciting and profitable alternative to traditional slot machines, especially for those who know the right wagering strategies. This book offers outstanding advice for improving your odds at video slots and explains how to play the most common video slot games. Games covered include 'Wheel of Fortune' and 'Jeopardy.'
Reel History, written by David Mead, son the late Dan Mead of Las Vegas, is a companion the Loose Change Blue Book, a super source for all collectors, beginners or experienced. Each machine listed and photographed contains the original manufacturer's name, date of introduction, nickname and machine type. (Those not listed are fully electronic machines, reproductions, trade stimulators, payout pinballs and one-of-a-kind machines.) This edition includes only those machines manufactured before 1980.
This is a plain no-nonsense cookbook about getting money out of some, but not all, slot machines. Most of your time in a casino will be spent looking for valuable slot machines. Playing will only take a few minutes. The book covers 49 different slots, banking ones. The 1999 Supplement...covers 15 more slot machines.
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