The Poker Mindset (Essential Attitudes for Poker Success)
by Matthew Hilger
The authors answer the question of what 'secret' separates top poker players from poker wannabes. They explain that pros use a series of established approaches and behaviors that enable them to bring their best game to the table session after session, regardless of short-term results. Taylor and Hilger lay bare, the seven core attitudes and concepts that ensure you have the optimal emotional, psychological, and behavioral framework for playing superior poker.

Texas Hold'em Odds and Probabilities
by Matthew Hilger
Even though the math behind the game of poker is fairly simple, some people still don't understand how to derive numbers and/or how to use them in action. Matthew Hilger, author of a best-selling book on playing poker on the Internet, takes the seemingly complex subject and breaks it down into usable information. He covers limit and no limit as well as tournament situations and focuses not just on how to calculate odds but also how to apply them to make better decisions. Because he uses everyday language and very few formula, his simple concepts and strategies mean you don't have to be a wiz in math. Illustrated with charts and diagrams, the book spans the math gap to cover the needs of the beginning, intermediate and the experienced player.

Internet Texas Hold'em
by Matthew Hilger
Internet Texas Hold'em: Winning Strategies from an Internet Pro is a comprehensive overview of Texas Hold'em including general poker concepts such as probability and odds, bluffing, raising and check-raising. Various deceptive tactics are also discussed such as free cards, slowplaying, and inducing bluffs and calls. You'll learn the correct strategies for starting hand play as well as playing on the flop, turn, and river. You'll learn the intricacies of playing on the Internet and the differences in strategies between Internet and live play. Finally, you'll be able to practice all of these strategies on over 200 actual Internet hands.
at Internet Texas Hold'em.com About Matthew Hilger
In the midst of a successful business career, Matthew discovered he had a talent for Internet poker. He has now played over 10,000 hours at limits from $1-$2 up to $100-$200 and in many online tournaments. Matthew lived for a while in New Zealand and was the 2002 New Zealand Poker Champion. In 2004, he finished 33rd out of 2578 entrants at the World Series of Poker taking home an $80,000 prize for his efforts. He cashed in again at the 2005 main event and finished 12th in the $2000 Pot Limit Event.
His book,
Internet Texas Hold'em: Winning Strategies from an Internet Pro, provides a comprehensive tool for players at all levels to be successful at limit Texas Hold'em. He also writes columns for CardPlayer magazine, PokerPages.com and PokerinEurope.com. Matthew's next book,
Texas Hold'em Odds and Probabilities: Limit, No-Limit and Tournament Strategies, will be released in June 2006.
Matthew's website is www.internettexasholdem.com
Latest Matthew Hilger Articles
Playing Too Many Starting Poker HandsMatthew Hilger outlines some of the biggest mistakes players make when playing online poker. He starts with the a very common error - playing too many hands.
Miscalculating Odds with Two Cards to ComeMatthew Hilger receives a lot of questions and posts in his poker Forum about how to make decisions on the flop when you are on a draw. A lot of poker players make decisions based on the probability of improving their poker hand odds with two cards to come. This article is going to show why this often can lead to mistakes.
Trying to Get Back to Even with PokerMost poker players have short-term goals. They sit down at the table and they want to win money‚now! Many players suffer having to close a session with a big loss. It kills them! How often have you stayed up late at night trying to get back to even? Do you always have in the back of your mind where you stand in a given session?
Online Poker Strategy and Mistakes - Bluffing Too MuchMany poker players get themselves in trouble by bluffing too often. This is even truer on the Internet than in live games. Bluffing a lot is just not a profitable endeavor on the Internet, especially in the low-limit games where you frequently have hands go to showdowns.
Not Paying AttentionEveryone likes to talk about reading your opponents, playing your opponent, etc but how can you do this if you are not paying attention to the action at the table? A very common online mistake is not paying attention. This mistake can lead to numerable mistakes in important strategic decisions.