Poker Aces
by Ron Rose
Compiled and written by Ron Rose, winner of the first World Poker Tour of Champions Poker Aces is a wonderful picture-biography collection in coffee-table format. With stories and photos about more than 80 world class players it serves as informational material as well as fan material for those who want to collect poker autographs as it's a nice place to have your favorites sign.
Poker History
The history of poker reaches back many centuries if you include games similar to poker but with different names. Poker as we know and play it today is a product of 19th century America. The following articles and bibliographies will point interested readers to an introduction to the history of poker and to the many books that have poker as their subjects.
Bibliography of Poker Books by DateRich McComas and other dedicated poker fans have compiled the best list of poker books on the web. Here is the list ordered by date of publication.
Bibliography of Poker Books by AuthorIf you ever needed to see almost every book published about poker, here is your source. Compiled by Rich McComas, this extensive bibliography is organized by author last name.
The Spread of Gambling and PokerPoker became part of American culture as the game spread north and west of New Orleans. From the riverboats, to the streets of San Francisco, to the boom towns of the Old West, the game was a popular success.
The Origins and History of PokerPoker is one of the world's most popular card games. The question of who invented this great game may never be fully answered, but there are some tantalizing clues.