When I was little, I spent most of my time in front of my trusted old ZX81, writing programs in BASIC or simply playing games. My mom always told me to do something meaningful, as nobody will ever
There are occasions when we here at ReadyBetGo want to bring you interesting facts about the gambling industry When something catches our eye, we will publish it for your enjoyment. pay me to play games. She was wrong, of course, but years had to pass for her mistake to be revealed. Today, people are making money while playing games, and I'm not talking about professional gamers winning world-class eSports competitions either. Here are a few ways in which playing can be a source of income.
Game reviews and walkthroughs
When I asked my 12 year old son about what he plans to be when he grows up, the answer was surprising: a YouTuber. He spends a lot of his free time watching game walkthroughs on his phone, and he has already created his first using a free screen-recording software. While he is still far from becoming a professional YouTuber, he has already taken the first step toward his dream of playing games and making money in the process. His role model is Seán William McLoughlin, AKA Jacksepticeye, with over 5 million subscribers, and a net worth of over $1.5 million.
Professional gambling

The All Slots Casino is not a money-making portal. It deals in real money online entertainment, an often overlooked branch of the online gaming industry. The All Slots Casino has managed to make a name for itself in its history of over a decade as not only a collection of great games, but also a reliable, trustworthy operator. And, while the majority of players at the All Slots Casino are there for the fun, there are some that use it to make an extra buck each month. You can visit the All Slots Casino at
www.allslotscasino.com. The secret is to choose the right games to play. While slot machines, which make up the bulk of the All Slots Casino collection, are not reliable enough to serve as a means of making money, there are others - like blackjack and video poker - that, if played the right way, can generate a constant stream of revenues for the players. Just make sure you don't overdo it: gambling can be addictive, you know.
Game testing
Playing blackjack for money, or doing walkthroughs of games you enjoy, are fun - but there's a dark side of playing games for a living, as shown by an article published almost a decade ago in GamesRadar. In it, game testers ruin other people's preconceptions about how much fun is to play video games non stop, with the sole goal of finding bugs and details the designers and the developers overlooked. Testing games for a living might sound like an attractive job at first sight, but it can prove to be a tedious, stressful way to make a living at the end of the day. But the very fact that such a job exists proves my mom wrong: you can play video games for a living. Whether you would like to is a completely different matter...