This infographic also includes facts about casinos that you may not be aware of, did you know? The sandwich was invented in a casino by a
passionate gambler known as John Montagu, at the time however,
There are occasions when we here at ReadyBetGo want to bring you interesting facts about the gambling industry When something catches our eye, we will publish it for your enjoyment. 
he wasn’t trying to invent the ‘sandwich’. The graphic contains two more facts that should blow your mind!
However, despite all of this, physical casino gambling has been put on hold due to the global pandemic, some land-based casinos are slowly starting to open in certain green spot areas but for those locations where COVID-19 is really hitting, the physical casino shops are forced to stay shut. Due to this, many gamblers are starting to register themselves onto online casinos, there are
casinos here that should spark your interest, each digital casino listed has their own unique membership benefits as well as getting fantastic bonuses and promotions on a frequent basis.