Internet Poker
by Lou Krieger
Playing Internet poker in real time against real opponents has become a popular pasttime. Whether for play money or real money, the game offers an environment of virtual tables, player icons, specialized computer alogorighms that randomly shuffle the cards so it seems as if you are in a real poker room. It's a world where you can find a game day or night, but it's poker with a dofference. This book tackles the differences between live action and Internet action and includes a CD with poker software plus 125 interactive hands to help prepare you for plaing Internet games.
Internet Gambling
by J. Phillip Vogel
Subtitled 'How to Win Big Online Playing Bingo, Poker, Slots, Lotto, Sports Betting, and Much More ,' Internet Gambling consists of twenty-three engaging and descriptive chapters where Vogel demystifies and dissects all topics related to Internet gambling, including the history of online gambling, how to get started, choosing the best sites, understanding the various kinds of software available, the technical difficulties one might expect to encounter, managing money, and more.