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Club USA Casino's Aztec's Millions Progressive Slot
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If you want to explore the world of the Aztec's without losing your heart, try Aztec's Millions now offered at Club USA Casino. This colorful progressive slot machine is powered by Real Time Gaming software. The jackpot is always at least $1 million, and is won when 5 "Aztec's Millions" symbols appear on a payline.
Play Now at Club USA Casino!

Red Earth Casino Opens Near Salton Sea

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

THERMAL, California – As reported by The Desert Sun: "The bell tones of slot machines in the newly opened Red Earth Casino on Monday was music to the ears of the Torres-Martinez Desert CahuillaThe Red Earth Casino has opened in Salton Sea.
The Red Earth Casino has opened in Salton Sea.

"'Business has been pretty good, pretty darn good,'' said Rodney Bonner, a tribal member and president of the tribe's corporation Selneck-is Tem-Al. 'If you listen, you can hear it's pretty good.'

"The 10,000-square-foot casino with six game tables and 349 slot machines - some of which can be played for a half-cent - opened about 3 p.m. Sunday next to the tribe's Travel Center at 3095 W. Highway 86. It will operate on a 24-hour basis.

"Sitting on the edge of the 24,000-acre Torres-Martinez reservation, the $10 million-plus casino is a long-awaited leap for the tribe with aspirations to expand its offerings.

"The Torres-Martinez compact, negotiated with former Gov. Gray Davis, calls for a 350-slot machine casino and left open the prospect of a second casino with up to 1,650 slot machines. Fees and other terms would need to be pinned down.

"Tribal leaders hinted in August that talks on the remaining part of the deal were likely to resume in Sacramento.

"Mirelez, who is also the transportation manager for the tribe, said expansion plans are already being formulated: 'We have a 640-acre plan for that section that includes a water park, hotel, shopping center and race track.'

"Build-out on the land in Salton City is expected to occur within 10 years.

Red Earth Casino
3089 Norm Niver Road
Salton Sea Beach, CA
The casino has 349 slot machines, which are mostly penny slots and six table games, which include Texas Hold’em, Three Card Poker, Spanish 21, Lucky Ladies Blackjack and simple $2 Blackjack.
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